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 2011-01-19 04:23:19 

Specialist in logistics

Город: Калуга
Раздел: Логистика, склад, ВЭД
Заработная плата: от руб
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: '
Опыт работы
2-3 года
"Upgrade" Group of companies, с апреля 2010 по декабрь 2010
Должность: The Head of the Service Center

Cooperation with representatives of world leading world’s computer companies and service centers (Cooperation with the service centers and the automated service centers); Business correspondence with partners and supply contractors; Finding new authorizations; Conducting databases on vendors, processing and tracing of orders for spare parts, documentary processing of cargoes;
Carrying out checking of techniques’ quality; solving of the difficult technical problems connected with diagnostics, repair, delivery of technical conclusions, maintenance clients with consultation on technical questions; Checking obligation deadlines and monitoring of suiting standards of servicing; Decision-making in both standard and irregular conflict situations; Work with the primary accounting documentation; Increase of financial return of service business; Administrating of a staff; statement of problems, planning and distribution of activity of employees in directions and execution control, personnel questions; The organization of process of client service; Consultations and technical support of the customer.

Fund of assistance to development of nanotechnologies, с октября 2010 по ноябрь 2010
Должность: Expert assistant

Third International forum on nanotechnologies 2010

Assisting in administrative work with contractors in accreditation and exhibition zones. Operative cooperation with the zone of the press center on current changes in the exhibition program. Settlement of non-staff situations with participants of the young scientist research competition.

"Upgrade" Group of companies, с июля 2009 по апрель 2010
Должность: Specialist in logistics

Control and coordination of transport service (routing of cargoes); optimization of technological process of warehouse logistics (delivery, goods moving, reception, distribution, warehousing, maintenance of storage conditions in a warehouse); Operative reaction and execution of internal and external demands; work with the primary accounting documentation; support of existing clients; sale of the goods and services. The organization of interaction of department of logistics with other divisions of the company.

Fund of assistance to development of nanotechnologies, с октября 2009 по ноябрь 2009
Должность: Expert assistant

Second International forum on nanotechnologies 2009

Work in a zone of accreditation with foreign participants. Assisting in program orientation for participants within the Forum auctions.

Joint-Stock Company "Investment telecommunication", с апреля 2008 по июнь 2009
Должность: The operator of the service center

Consultations on tariffs and services; operative technical support of clients concerning connection, revolving irregular situations

Профессиональные навыки

  • Excellent social skills including comfort with teamwork‚ training others instructional qualitles‚ easily find contact with new people.
  • Ability to work "under pressure"‚ in difficult and quickly changing situations‚ collect and analize great volums of information‚ analysis background‚ ability to predict
  • Ability to work both as independently and in command
  • Responsibility‚ high level of self-organizing
  • Ability to handle stress‚ experience in the permission of disputed and irregular situations
  • Thoughtfulness‚ diligence‚ creative approach
  • Skills of affective dialogue‚ negotiating experience
  • Orginizing‚ administrative and communicative skills

Основное — неполное высшее
The Russian Legal Academy (the Kaluga branch) (неполное высшее), с 2007 по 2011
Специальность: Jurisprudence

Повышение квалификации
Квалификация: FCE
Учебное заведение: English language courses First Certificate English at the British Council
Год получения: 2011
Иностранные языки
Французский: начальный
Английский: свободное владение
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: не замужем
Дети: нет
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе:
  • Knoledge on the device of computers and periphery‚ software (MC Office)‚1C
  • Confident work with Internet resources
  • Experience with databases
Опубликовано 2011-01-19 04:23:19
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