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 2011-01-17 20:51:19 

IT Project Manager

Город: Московская область
Раздел: IT, компьютеры, работа в интернете
Заработная плата: от руб
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: '
Опыт работы
более 5 лет
JSC "SoftKey" (www.softkey.net) (Russia, Moscow), с апреля 2010 по август 2010
Должность: Deputy Head of Research and Development Department

- head of department (12 people: 5 programmers + 1 tester + 3 project managers + 3 system engineers);
- project' control & management (meetings, determining resources, creating plan, interviewing candidates, preparing status reports etc.)
- regulation of employees activities;
- control & management of development processes of internet projects;
- contractors’ work acceptance organization, testing and integration;
- writing technical requirements specification (TRS) from business requirements documents;
- development of architectural decisions, learning new technologies, research and analysis of various methods for solving tasks;
- participation in the large and important projects as a developer;
- conducting business and technical correspondence with vendors, contractors in Russian and English languages.

Tasks and projects:
- control & management of queue traffic tasks for modernization and upgrading IS SoftKey, distribution of tasks, setting up checkpoints, controlling of work;
- working on project of creating Adobe Russian online store and integration with IS Softkey. The following was done:
creation project plan, finding contractors, development team organization;
realization EDI converter (finding outsource contractor, TRS writing for task realization on PHP);
import of Adobe product catalogue into SoftKey database;
integration of site layout into IS Softkey, realized store functional;
organization processes' testing, debugging and bug-fixing;
preparation of Adobe online store to start-up/commission.

- realization of project Sub-system of Subscriptions (joint project with Kaspersky' Laboratory about organization of sales their products through providers' internet). The following was done:
plan creation project, development team organization;
program architecture description;
creation database design and server-side logic (ERwin, PL/SQL);
TRS writing for programmers in order to realise other project parts;
creation separate Test-Stand for project;
project test version creation.

- reglamentation of process of joint-development between programmers group in department and remote programmers group in 1c-bitrix company (organization test-stands, source warehousing - SVN, UML description test and deployment processes);
- management of project of change site design, that improve it conversion (www.softkey.ru), adaptation new design version and support old one;
- management of projects www.it4all.ru, www.point4all.ru (change layout, some functional and integration OpenID technology);
- realization of project of sales www.soundkey.ru contents through www.softkey.ru – pecification of catalogue architecture conception and flexible assignment of different product-wise;
- new payment systems connecting to IS SoftKey;
- organization of work complex for testing applications of mobile phones on Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android platforms.

Scientific Industrial Company «Screen» (www.screen-co.ru) (Zhukovskiy city, Moscow region, Russia), с июля 2009 по апрель 2010
Должность: Team Leader

- control & management of group programmers (5 people);
- management of project Hydra-4 (creation software-hardware complex for receiving, processing and imaging hydro located information), creation project plan, calculation terms and resources, , control & maintenance of project documentation with GOST 19;
- management of project «Complex of Processing Holograms» (software complex for processing acoustical images of bottom surface) creation project plan, calculation terms and resources, maintenance of project documentation with GOST 19;
- software development;
- software assembly, setting and administration of assembly server.

Tasks and projects:
- selection of project control system (drawing up a list of requirements, analyses of existing solutions, presentation of systems);
- installation TrackStudio on server, system setting with current tasks of Hydra-4 project, system start-up in demo-mode;
- process optimization of software assembly (server assembly organization on the platform of Windows Embedded, SVN server setting, scripts writing for release’ receiving from SVN, sources compilation and final version receive at the exit of ready disk with a set of all essential files, drivers, installation packages);

- work on a project Hydra-4:
distribution task between programmers, calculation development terms for debug and presale versions;
designing architecture of complex; (MS Visio)
writing requirements specifications, development of algorithms;
designing of user interfaces; (MS Visio)
realization of record/read hydro located information (HLI) (trajectory signal) into a binary file in individual thread; (VC++ 2005, QT)
indexation of data, optimization of algorithms record and read HLI, generating HLI string for test;
creation HLI player; (VC++ 2005, QT)
realization of universal setting window – record and read parameters from XML-file, edit data, auto-creation objects (label, textedit, coloredit, spinbox, combobox etc) from description inside XML-file; (VC++ 2005, QT, tinyXML)
control for realization subtasks;
project assembly;
release of debug version and organization of full complex testing on Moscow river.

- work on a project «Complex of Processing Holograms»:
weekly meetings organization, the project discussions;
development of requirements specifications; (Rational RequisitePro)
program complex architecture designing; (MS Visio)
resources development and project time-date terms.

- automation of process records and maintenance of engineering and program documentation (GOST 19 and 2); (MS Access, VBA);
- realization of a project «Flashing of controllers» (software supplied to the factory in order to control of flashing controllers, issued at the plant), construction of software protection on the basis of HASP and number control firmwares with use of HASP (C++, QT, HASP SDK + course about software protection and hack was passed in Aladdin Company)

ОJSC «Мoscow Credit Bank» (www.mkb.ru) (Moscow city, Russia), с июня 2006 по июнь 2009
Должность: Head of bank system direction

- department work performance coordination (13 programmers); principal supervision of direction (5 programmers);
- introduction and correction of action plan; (Atlassian JIRA)
- assignment actualization, distribution of priority and consequences; (Atlassian JIRA)
- business and technical meetings conducting;
- writing of technical requirements, agreement and interpretation tasks for developers;
- resources planning, task assignment for developer as per project, individual work scheduling on setting tasks; task assignment into work plan; control for assignment performance execution;
- assistance to colleagues in order to solve issues; brain storming within project development and finishing of existing applications;
- work acceptance, algorithm check-up, program code checking;
- DB designing; (ERwin)
- projecting, realization and support of bank applications;
- training for new comers on work performance with PO of bank, introduction into business, step by step preparation to assignment realization as per scheme from simple thing to complicated one, up to self-understanding of business processes;
- conducting of seminars, lectures about work with bank software, writing user manuals.

Tasks and projects:
- creation from zero level of a project «Finance complex» (automatic opening of several bank products for one client per one transaction) (Delphi, PL/SQL, Siebel CRM, SOAP):
agreement of requirements specifications with structural bank divisions;
DB designing; (ERwin)
creation of separate special tables for flexible and complete setting up the complex;
creation of common product for opening of finance complex with minimal input parameters;
creation output forms and documents; (Crystal Reports)
writing test-cases, QA tests conducting;
system start-up and entire semi-automated control for work operation of new banking product.

- automation of receive process of municipal payments (Delphi, PL/SQL):
analyses of the current scheme of work operation;
DB designing; (ERwin)
current algorithm modification;
testing and putting into operation.

- process automation for booking, registration and keeping power attorney/testament (Delphi, PL/SQL)
- participation in modification and automation of credit products (Delphi, PL/SQL, Atlantis, Siebel CRM)
- automation and maintenance of deposit products; (Delphi, PL/SQL, Atlantis)
- automation and maintenance of commissions module; (PL/SQL)
- maintenance and modernization of software as per payment dispatch in system RAPIDA, list of receivers synchronization; (Delphi, PL/SQL, SOAP, XML, CVS)

- development of training classes (individual room, which contain 1 server and 8 user computers need for education new employees):
setting up of test server; (Windows server 2000, Oracle Server 8.1.7, Oracle Server 10g Enterprise Edition)
setting up of working places; (Windows XP, Oracle Client 8.1.7)
manual development for teachers;
time-to-time system update in order to keep actual version of ABS.

- creation from zero level of a project «Cash operations» according to instruction 113-i; (Delphi, PL/SQL):
writing requirements specification;
DB designing; (ERwin)
realization of full list of cash operations;
realization of output documents and reports; (Crystal Reports)
realization of data-check and import/export mechanisms;
realization of module of administrator (for edit/update/delete operations);
writing of manual for users;
testing software and start-up.

- files import from different organizations, optimization of loading algorithms; (Delphi, PL/SQL, 1c, XML, SOAP, JSON, CVS)

- final modification and maintenance of program «Lototron» - prize drawing conduction within bank clients who have the certain set of banking products; (Delphi, PL/SQL, Photoshop)

- routine maintenance and support of module of «Cash Operations» in operational cashes out of cash unit; (Delphi, PL/SQL, VBA):
time-to-time upgrade of clients and server software according to low and requirements/issues of structural departments;
creation of additional software for PC administration (auto-archivation DB, loading information from central office, recovery DB and another functions); (Delphi, SQL, PL/SQL)
system transfer from zip-diskettes to flash-disks;
development of client part software for data delivery about cash clients payments;
development of client part software for synchronization of client base of individuals in servicing companies;
final modification and support server part software.

JSC "Valut-Tranzit bank", с апреля 2002 по апрель 2004
Должность: Leading programmer-engineer

- administration, support and modification of banking system “Quorum” (www.quorum.ru):
operation-counting transaction;
deposit transaction of individuals and legal entities;
accounting (means of internal language Atlantis);
- software developments;
- conducting of seminars, lectures on work operation with software, development of user documentation;
- administration of servers: Btrieve, JurInfo, dealing server Reuters;
- education employees of first level support, writing instructions and maintenance of documentations;
- modification and support software (the second level, the consulting first level support group; finding, repeating and resolving bugs):
"Payment docflow",
"Fast transfers for individuals",
"Transfer between the banks"
"Software Lototron" (prize drawing on deposit and cash transaction)

Tasks and projects:
- realization from zero level of a project «Private Deposit» (software complex for servicing and maintaining of deposits of individuals) (Delphi, PL/SQL, VBScripts):
analysing of the current module Quorum «Deppers»;
system designing, writing requirements specification (agreement with all structural bank divisions),
resource and time-date determining, organization developer group of 3 people;
development of client and server parts of software;
development of mechanisms of information exchange with remote bank divisions (particulate and full data replication + double-sided synchronization);
development of server part and creation common DB;
development of user interfaces module of administration with distribution of rights access;
realization of conversion scheme and data migration from old DB into new one;
writing user manuals;
start-up project in several bank divisions (for work testing and debugging);
conducting seminars about education of work with new software (2 times per week, for audience 100-120 persons);
writing instructions for conversion divisions on new software, creation of division update plan (more than 100 division on all parts of Kazakhstan).

- creation reports for different back-office divisions;
- automation of bank products and creation reports with using appropriate programming language (SQL, Atlantis);

- integration project of banking system «Quorum» with credit card processing system:
processing system studying, participation in designing of integration mechanism;
interaction automation between banking system and credit card processing system (PL/SQL, Atlantis, Borland C++).

Профессиональные навыки

Technical skills
Data bases: Oracle (8i – 11g)‚ MS SQL Server 2000‚ MySQL‚ Betrieve‚ Pervasive‚ FoxPro‚ Access‚ Dbase‚ FireBird
Programming languages: Delphi (6.0 – 2010)‚ SQL‚ PL/SQL‚ Pascal‚ C‚ Borland C++‚ Visual C++ (QT‚ tinyXML)‚ Atlantis
DB development: SQL Navigator‚ PL/SQL Developer‚ Oracle SQL Developer‚ SpootLite‚ TOAD
Project management: MS Project‚ Open Project‚ Atlassian JIRA‚ TrackStudio‚ Bugzilla‚ etc bugtracking systems
DB designing: ERwin‚ MS Visio
UML designing: MS Visio‚ Visual Paradigm
Operating system: Windows Desktop (95‚ 98‚ 2000‚ XP‚ Vista‚ Seven)‚ Windows Server 2000/2003‚ DOS‚ Windows NT‚ Linux
Graphic: Adobe Photoshop‚ Corel Draw‚ GIMP
Control of versions‚ joining development: SVN‚ Visual sourcesafe
Others: VMWare‚ Virtual PC‚ Virtual Box‚ Remote Desktop‚ Citrix‚ Radmin

Knowledge level Time period (years)
Delphi (Pascal) Perfect 8
Visual C++ Good 2
SQL‚ PL/SQL Perfect 8
Visual Basic Perfect 8
HTML‚ XML Good 4
Oracle‚ dbase‚ access Perfect 8
Betrieve‚ Pervasive Perfect 2
MS SQL‚ MySQL‚ FireBird‚ etc Good 2
Jira‚ Trackstudio‚ Bugzilla‚ IBN‚ etc Perfect 5
VSS‚ SVN Perfect 3

Professional experience
Software development 8+ years
DB development 8+ years
Team leading 5 years
Project management‚ Department management 4 years
Conducting of seminars‚ lectures 4 years

Основное — высшее
Каraganda State Technical University (www.kstu.kz) (высшее (магистратура)), с 1998 по 2003
Специальность: Automated systems of information process and control

Иностранные языки
Английский: средний
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: женат
Дети: есть
Личный автомобиль: есть
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: Hello All!
My name is Alexey. I live in Russia with my family (my wife‚ daughter and son). I have a big work experience in the IT sphere as programmer (Software developer and DB developer)‚ analyst‚ team leader and project manager. And so I would like to receive international work experience‚ improve my English‚ professional knowledge and skills. Also I want to be useful for interesting projects :)
I like:
1. Programming‚ researching new technologies‚ learning new programming languages‚ create quality and reliable software.
2. Manage a team‚ create a positive work environment into the team‚ take a course on result.
3. Receive satisfaction from work and be happy.
Опубликовано 2011-01-17 20:51:19
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