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 2010-12-15 00:57:11 

Архитектор дизайнер

Город: Екатеринбург
Раздел: Строительство, архитектура
Заработная плата: от 60000 РУБ
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: 
Опыт работы
более 5 лет
ГУП СО "Ремонтно-реставрационные работы", с апреля 2008 по май 2009
Должность: ГАП

Resume are the chief architect

Resumes of № 1164873 rating: 4
It is published by 09.12.2010

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Income level:
By arrangement
Type of the work:
Complete workday
Place of the work:
It does not have the value

The contact information of resume contains the address of electronic mail and telephone.

Personal information
City of the stay:
Ekaterinburg (it is ready to move to another city)
Region of the stay:
Formation level:
Date of the generation:
On March 15, 1971. (39 years)
The marital status:
It is not married, children exist

Work experience
Operating cycle:
Since June 2008 on the present time
Gap (full employment)
Name of the organization:
[GU] “design workshops of restoration fund”, Ekaterinburg
Preparation for the design documentation of stage P, R for reconstruction and restoration of buildings - the monuments of history and culture, in the context of urban environment.
The function responsibilities and the achievement:
Control of release rd.
Organization of design process.
Interaction with the subsidaries.
Development of concept.
Development of stages P, R, ACE, KS, [GP], and [td].
Agreements in the instances.
The designer's supervision of performing of work.

Operating cycle:
From August 2006 to August 2007
Chief architect of the urban district (full employment)
Name of the organization:
The administration of urban district, g. of 350000 men it pressed.
The function responsibilities and the achievement:
Organization, control and the analysis of the work of the division of architecture and town building of the urban district.
Planning of work of division, interaction with other divisions, departments and organizations.
Conducting the agreements of the chief architect of city. Reception of citizens and representatives of organizations.
Coordination of the activity of GUP “Architectural- city-planning bureau”.
Fulfillment of other functions and responsibilities in accordance with the duty regulations.

Examination of the projects of planning and building of the urban of territory and populated areas, projects of buildings and construction, for the object of correspondence to architectural-planning task, observance of requirements [ESPD], to city-planning code, to the current legislation.

The examination of city-planning passports for conducting of investment developments, design-research works on all I see buildings, complex reconstruction, innovation repair, restoration of buildings and improvement of territory.

Agreement of the projects of the artistic, light formulation of city, arrangement of advertisement.
Agreement of land-management documentation in the part of the observance of city-planning requirements, the delivery of permissions to the building of capital units, all forms of building. Method in the operation, the finished by building (reconstruction) objects of civil housing and municipal building.

Development of city-planning documentation and documents of territorial planning.
Creation of the concepts of the creation of the new populated areas and the correction of those existing. Development of the problems of territory and reasons for [regradatsii]. Idea of projects and materials for the assertion into the legislative assembly, the ministry and the department, for the reports of public hearings, in media outlets.

Organization of the work of city-planning council, commission for the selection of land sections.
Participation in the work of the commissions: - on the protection of historical heritage; disturbances in the sphere ZhKKh; disturbances in the sphere of trade; the commission of [rospotrebnadzora] on the disturbances of citizens and organizations; [mezhterritorialnaya] commission for ecology and uses of natural resources.
Participation in the activity of regulatory departments.

The educational institution:
[UralGAKhA], Ekaterinburg
Date of the end:
May 1996
Form of the instruction:

Foreign languages and the computer habits
The English:
The Chinese Language:
Computer habits and the knowledge:
All necessary
Level of the possession of the computer:
Moved user

The additional information
Presence of the driver rights:
Categories B, C
Key habits and the achievement:
Production and making nonstandard decisions. Different aspects of construction activity as the successful purpose of design. Wide knowledge from the documents of territorial planning to conducting of those of supervision.

Профессиональные навыки


Основное — высшее
УралГАХА (высшее), с 1989 по 1996
Специальность: архитектура

Дополнительные сведения
Возможность командировок: есть
Опубликовано 2010-12-15 00:57:11
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